ifup.org by Brandon Philips contains excerpts from my code, work and play.

I love writing systems software and my current passion and work is CoreOS.

Getting to Goven

This is the step by step story of how etcd, a project written in Go, arrived at using goven for library dependency management. It went through several evolutionary steps while trying to find a good solution to these basic goals:

  • Reproducible builds: given the same git hash and version of the Go compiler we wanted an identical binary everytime.
  • Zero dependencies: developers should be able to fork on github, make a change, build, test and send a PR without having anything more than a working Go compiler installed.
  • Cross platform: compile and run on OSX, Linux and Windows. Bonus points for cross-compilation.

Checked in GOPATH

Initially, to get reproducible builds and zero dependencies we checked in a copy of the GOPATH to “third_party/src”. Over time we encountered several problems:

  1. “go get github.com/coreos/etcd” was broken since downstream dependencies would change master and “go get” would setup a GOPATH that looked different than our checked in version.
  2. Windows developers had to have a working bash. Soon we had to maintain a copy of our build script written in Powershell.

At the time I felt that “go get” was an invalid use case since etcd was just a project built in Go and “go get” is primarliy useful for easily grabbing libraries when you are hacking on something. However, there was mounting user requests for a “go gettable” version of etcd.

To solve the Windows problem I wrote a script called “third_party.go” which ported the GOPATH management tools and the shell version of the “build” script to Go.


third_party.go worked well for a few weeks and we could remove the duplicate build logic in the Powershell scripts. The basic usage of was simple:

# Bump the raft dependency in the custom GOPATH
go run third_party.go bump github.com/coreos/go-etcd
# Use third_party.go to set GOPATH to third_party/src and build
go run third_party.go build github.com/coreos/etcd

But, there was a fatal flaw with this setup: it broke cross compilation via GOOS and GOARCH.

GOOS=linux go run third_party.go build github.com/coreos/etcd
fork/exec /var/folders/nq/jrsys0j926z9q3cjp1yfbhqr0000gn/T/go-build584136562/command-line-arguments/_obj/exe/third_party: exec format error

The reason is that GOOS and GOARCH get used internally by “go run`. Meaning it literally tries to build “third_party.go” as a Linux binary and runs it. Running a Linux binary on a OSX machine doesn’t work.

This soultion didn’t get us any closer to being “go gettable” either. There were several inquiries per week for this. So, I started looking around for better solutions and eventually settled on goven.

goven and goven-bump

goven achieves all of the desirable traits: reproducible builds, zero dependencies to start developing, cross compilation, and as a bonus “go install github.com/coreos/etcd” works.

The basic theory of operation is it checks all dependencies into subpackages of your project. Instead of importing “code.google.com/p/goprotobuf” you import github.com/coreos/etcd/third_party/code.google.com/p/goprotobuf. It makes the imports uglier but it is automated by goven.

Along the way I wrote some helper tools to assist in bumping dependencies which can be found on Github at philips/goven-bump. The scripts `goven-bump” and “goven-bump-commit” grab the hg revision or git hash of the dependency along with running goven. This makes bumping a dependency and getting a basic commit message as easy as:

cd ${GOPATH}/github.com/coreos/etcd
goven-bump-commit code.google.com/p/goprotobuf
git commit -m 'bump(code.google.com/p/goprotobuf): 074202958b0a25b4d1e194fb8defe5d69c300774'

goven and introduces some additional complexity for the maintainers of the project. But, the simplicity it presents to regular contributors and users used to “go get” make it worth the additional effort.

Sun Feb 16, 2014


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